5 Healthiest Sports To Play In Mumbai
Sports are a great way to get fit and enjoy the process, especially if you have company. We here at The Coach Crew know exactly how hard it is to find a sport, a location or even the motivation to get started, especially in the everlasting hustle bustle of a city like Mumbai.
To help you with that The Coach Crew brings you 5 of the healthiest sports in Mumbai.
1. Squash
Squash is a fast-moving, indoor racquet sport, played by two or four players in a four-walled court with a small, hollow rubber ball. Although you need a partner to play squash, many squash centers and clubs offer friendly tournaments. They have games where you can meet and compete with other squash players. Moreover, itâs a game that’s easy to learn and where modified games and equipment exist to suit players of every size and skill level.

- Improve Cardiovascular Health– Squash has you running, jumping, leaping, and diving for the ball so your heart and lungs are working at peak efficiency. An intense game of squash will keep your heart rate up at all times. This makes your heart muscle stronger as more blood pumps to the brain and the rest of your body.
- Alleviates Stress – Whatever else is grinding your gears, a round of squash can help you âsquash outâ those negative feelings by taking out all your anger on the court as you slam the ball as hard as you can against the wall.
- Certified Healthy – Forbes rated squash #1 healthiest sport in terms of the calorie burnout, aerobic fitness, flexibility, strength and hand to eye coordination.
- Calories Burnt – An hour of Squash can burn around 1000 Calories.
2. Swimming
Apart from being the most important life-saving sport, swimming has many benefits. They include improving lung capacity, keeping a healthy body weight, building muscles and a low stress leisure activity. It also has very low risk of injuries. This makes it one of the healthiest sports you could try out in Mumbai. Plus itâs a perfect way to beat the heat and stay fit in the summers.

- Full body workout – Swimming tones muscles and builds strength throughout the body. Not only that but it also improves coordination, balance and posture.
- Provides good low-impact therapy for some injuries and conditions – Water supports up to 90 per cent of the bodyâs weight. So if you’ve sprained an ankle or have a long term injury or illness, swimming is a brilliant way to stay active.
- Exercising without the sweat – If you’re somebody who absolutely despises the post workout sweat buildup, swimming can be a great way to avoid the issue.
- Swimming builds up bone mass – according to research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, swimming makes your bones denser and strengthens them.
- Reduces Inflammation – Swimming reduces inflammation in the body that can lead to diseases such as atherosclerosis build-up in the heart. Reducing system-wide inflammation leads to lessened disease progression in many other areas as well .
- Helps with Asthma – Studies have shown swimming helps to alleviate asthma symptoms. It does this by actually improving the overall condition of the lungs.
- Revitalizes your Skin – Salt-water swimming can be a beauty treatment for skin. Swimming regularly in salt water helps the skin retain moisture and detoxify to promote new cell growth.
- Increases your lifespan – Researchers at the University of South Carolina studied 40,547 men and women. The results show that those who swam had a 50 percent lower death rate than runners, walkers, or men who didnât exercise.
- Calories Burnt – more than 450 Calories for an hour of swimming.
3. Running
Famous athletes like Usain Bolt, Mo Farah, etc are living examples of how running is beneficial to our bodies. It requires a lot of physical strength and stamina which pushes cardio and muscular levels up. One could even argue that running was what we were meant to do. Cheetahs are the fastest land animal in the world but did you know we can leave them in the dust? At least, in the long run. No other animal in the world has the endurance to beat humans at running.

- Helps Beat Depression – Even a 30-minute run can lift symptoms of depression and improve mood. Spending 30 minutes on a treadmill is enough to lift the mood of someone suffering from major depressive disorder. This is according to a study in the journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
- Strengthens Your Knees – Contrary to what many people think, running actually seems to improve knee health. In one eight-year study of 2,637 participants, researchers found that the more people ran, the less likely they were to suffer from knee pain or osteoarthritis
- Improves Your Sleep – Running helps young people sleep better and improves their mood and ability to focus. In one study of 51 young people with an average age of 18, those assigned to run were found to sleep better, show signs of improved psychological functioning, and focus better during the day when compared to peers who continued without adding running to their routines. These peers were not totally sedentary and did get some exercise, but didn’t add a regular running regimen.
- Running can significantly improve cardiovascular health – But what’s amazing is that people can get big benefits without have to do a lot. Running just five minutes a day could add years to your life. This is according to a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
- Increases Stress Resistance – Running changes the brain in ways that make it more resistant to stress. In a review of that research published in Clinical Psychology Review, author Peter Salmon concludes that this “training recruits a process which confers enduring resilience to stress.”
- Calories Burnt – Burns about 640 Calories for an hour of running
4. Basketball
Apart from being a fun, engaging sport, Basketball helps in building the stamina, hand-eye coordination, agility, flexibility and immense core strength. What makes this an even better candidate for one the healthiest sports to play in Mumbai is the fact that there are tons of basketball courts in the city, making it really accessible.

- Builds Bone Strength – The physical demands of this awesome sport help in improving and building bone strength. Any physical activity that involves weight-bearing allows the formation of new bone tissue. This in turn makes the bones stronger. Both the muscles and bones in your body become stronger with basketball as it is a physical activity that involves the tugging and pushing of muscles against bone.
- Impulsive Decision-Making and Quick Thinking – Basketball is not only a fast-paced game that requires a lot of physical skill, but also a mind game that requires you to think on your toes. This sport requires heavy focus so you can accurately and quickly process what is happening on the court. Then you make the correct decisions to direct the ball. You also assess the environment around you to make split second decisions based on the actions of other players around you.
- Teamwork – Learning how to work together with others is a crucial skill in life that goes far beyond sports. Playing basketball at an early age sets children up for future success in situations. These could be situations that require collaboration, such as group projects in school or meetings at work.
- Hand Eye Coordination – Whether you’re grabbing a rebound, dribbling while keeping your eyes on what’s around you, passing to a teammate across the court, or shooting the ball, your brain is working just as hard as the rest of your body.
- Agility – Generally, the best youth basketball players have exceptional lateral movement. When children play the sport for several years, they’re bound to improve their agility and flexibility
- Calories Burnt – about 558 calories an hour if playing on a half court. Stepping up to a full court game will burn around 747 calories an hour.
5. Tennis
Tennis is a sport full of explosive movements and overall physical strength. It burns around 600 Calories in its one hour session and helps in keeping the body fit. Tennis definitely is one of the healthiest sports to play in Mumbai.

- Strength and Tone Benefits – Tennis strengthens a number of muscles groups. Running around the court exercises leg muscles, while playing a shot exerts the core and upper body. Your overall muscle workout should be well balanced, although obviously your racket arm will be exercised more than the non-racket one. Core muscle groups strengthened include:
- Leg muscles – Glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings and calves.
- Core – Back and abdominal muscles, especially the obliques
- Upper Body – Chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps
- Boosted Brain Power – Think of tennis as a zero calorie brain food! Playing tennis can improve critical thinking, mental alertness, and tactical thinking by making connections in the brain.
- Helps Regulate Serotonin –a brain chemical linked to functions such as sleep cycle, appetite, and your emotional state. Having trouble sleeping or keeping your emotions in check?
- Fight and Prevent Disease – Tennis helps keep your lipid profile in check, keeping cholesterol low. This can decrease your chance of suffering from stroke, hypertension, and cardiovascular issues.
- Builds Confidence – In a recent study, the Southern Connecticut State University tested the psychological benefits of several sports. Among non-athletes, tennis players scored higher in self-esteem, vigor and optimism, while scoring lower for factors such as confusion, tension, anxiety and depression. Regularly playing tennis can help keep you motivated on your professional path. It even helps you overcome obstacles that you may encounter in your personal life.
- Calories Burnt – Tennis is a great cardio workout, especially if youâre playing singles. Youâre constantly running, pivoting, stretching, and moving every inch of your body. According to the American Dietetic Association, recreational players can burn an estimated 600 to 1,320 calories per two-hour singles sessions. Competitive players can burn between 768 to 1,728 calories.